Information evenings go virtual in lockdown

We might be under lockdown but that isn’t stopping enquiries coming in about joining Freemasonry.
All general enquiries go through to the Provincial Membership Officer, Jason Smith. Jason will then get in contact. Those interested, with their partners, are invited to join us for an ‘Information Evening’ at Freemasons Hall on Park Street. This event has proved hugely successful. A typical Information Evening will comprise a tour around the building with a brief history of the province, a couple of presentations from UGLE and the Province explaining Freemasonry and what we do, both in and out of the lodge room followed by a question and answer session.
Once finished in the lodge room we all retire to one of the dining rooms and enjoy a buffet supper where everyone is encouraged to chat openly about why they are interested in Freemasonry and to ask questions in a more relaxed setting.
Unfortunately, with the closure of Freemasons Hall on Park Street, these events have not been able to take place. In order to keep engagement with our potential new joining members, Jason has organised a video chat. Also in attendance was Ben Preston, the Treasurer for the Dunkerleys and Adam Watts, the Provincial Information Officer. The chat was due to last for around an hour but thanks to the keenness of all involved it went on for a little bit longer. The conversations went from the serious commitment chat about what is expected to be given and what can be received, to a more general conversation about why people joined in the first place and also why they are thinking about joining Freemasonry.
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